North America TEN: Curated Content for English Speakers
North America TEN is a network of over 30 social media platforms that brings news, information and perspective about Turkish entertainment, culture and art to English-speaking audiences.
Since Turkish drama hit Netflix in 2017, North American audiences have been eager to learn more about the rich and ancient Turkish culture and way of life. North Americans began following popular Turkish actors, seeking information about Turkish food, music and art. This site aims to bring perspective and information about these topics to English-speaking audiences.
North America TEN was founded as a non-profit banner organization by a group of North American business women to share their growing interest in Turkish Drama. What started out as Kivanc Tatlitug North America, has now expanded to Cagatay Ulusoy North America and Akin Akinozu North America, under the flagship of North America TEN.
We invite you to browse our site, learn about Turkish culture, and fall in love with our featured Turkish actors.
NA TEN Founder and President
North America TEN is a non-profit organization based in North America.