Icerde Suspense Drama
Starring Cagatay Ulusoy and Aras Bulut Iynemli
Episode 1:
-41:29 Melek, attorney sent by mob boss Celal, offers help. Sarp insults her and refuses help.
-46:00 Prison guards try to whup up on Sarp and he gives them a run for their money! Good fight scene!
-Sarp released from jail and sides with mafia. In the end we learn he is infiltrating the mafia, and his long lost brother Mert is bad but infiltrating the police. Brilliant premise!
Episode 2:
-1:22:56 Sarp confronts Melek: “Are you really happy as a mafia attorney? Would your parents be proud?”
Episode 3:
-41:11; 43:49; 1:08:52; 1:12:20; 1:14:02; 1:17:20; 1:21:48; 1:24:33 Melek takes care of Sarp at the chalet—almost kiss. Tearfully outside Melek says to Sarp: “For the first time in my life I’m feeling close to someone, but I don’t know how to act. It scares me.”
-33:13 Sarp’s boss to Sarp: “Don’t fall into the love trap!”
Episode 4:
-28:09; 58:12 Eylem gets Mert a music box; he kisses her.
Episode 5:
-End: Melek sets up her laptop as bait for Sarp. When he doesn’t take the bait (because he gets interrupted) she kisses him. Big kiss
Episode 6:
-Opens with same kiss and a romantic moment between Sarp and Melek.
-1:3:11 Sarp goes to Melek’s house ‘What are we going to do? What we are doing is very dangerous.” Romantic moment.
Episode 7:
-Mert sends a thug to frighten Eylem for publishing the story about the captor (he is falling for her and knows Celal will hurt her if he finds out she is behind the article).
-55:41 Sarp sees Mert paying off the thug, and in an angry rage, the two fight. Amazing fight scene!
Episode 8:
-Sarp shows Melek a pic of Umut and asks if she saw him on the streets as s child. Tender moment.
-1:56:42 Sarp to Melek at an overlook: “This could be our last meeting.”
-2:02:31 Sarp records farewell message to his mom, then faces Celal.
Episode 9:
-Flashback to when Celal killed Melek’s mother and stepfather in the park.
Episode 10:
Alyanak tries to take over the Celal empire—Sarp confronts him and all the men side with Sarp.
Episode 12:
-Sarp goes off on Yusuf, the police commander, “How could you tell me my brother was alive? How can I trust you now? I quit. It’s each man for himself now.” [So sad. He feels so betrayed. In a twist of irony (brilliant plotting) Mert gets a step closer to resolving his childhood at the same time Sarp loses what hope he had of finding his brother.]
-56:27; 1:06:22; 1:22:48 Mert beaten by Coskun—tender scene with Eylem. Kiss.
-End: Mert gets call from Coskun who whips him into an emotional state by baiting him, “You had a mother. And a father. And a brother.”
Episode 13:
-18:07 Sarp despairs feeling abandoned by police director. Goes to sleep and dreams Umut comes to him and says, “Don’t give up on me.” So touching!
[Watch scene here]
Episode 14:
-1:07:45; 1:15:25; 1:16:20 Sarp’s mom hosts a ‘thank you’ dinner for Melek-invites her, Sarp, and Mert (whom she supposedly doesn’t know) FUNNY!
Episode 15:
-1:26:00 Sarp secretly visits Yusuf in hospital. Sweet.
-1:36:00 Celal lambasts Melek for going to Sarp’s mother’s restaurant. He slaps her. She storms off and finds comfort in Sarp.
-End: Sarp and Davut come to blows over Melek. Great fight scene!
Episode 16:
-45:07 Melek to Sarp at her house: “If Celal finds out about us he might slap me. But I’m afraid what he would do to you.” Sarp: “I won’t give up on us, Melek.”
-1:38:38 Turns out Mert saw Eylem take photo of his laptop… Mert shows footage to Melek. Mert: “You know one day soon we may have to choose between Celal and Sarp’s family…”
-1:45:50 Celal goes to Mekek to apologize. Sweet heartfelt moment—but she shows him to the door.
Episode 17:
-40:16 Right as Celal is about to have Sarp shoot himself for messing with Melek, Celal gets word Melek’s been kidnapped. Sarp does a little gun trick which saves his life. Worth watching!
Episode 18:
-57:11 Celal weeps over losing Melek (her trust/faith in him). Tender scene. Great acting by Celal.
-1:02:22 Melek goes to Mert—he spills beans that Celal killed her mother. She faints. She goes to Sarp’s mom and has a good cry. Moving scene.
Episode 19:
-20:05; 22:50; 25:47; 27:05; 29:12; 34:07 Sarp visits Melek in her room– tells her Celal needs to pay for all his misdeeds. (He’s beginning to reveal his true identity to her).
-49:40 Drive-by shooter almost gets Sarp and his family at the restaurant—Mert saves the day. Mert and Sarp go toe-to-toe in a ‘good’ argument.
Episode 20:
-Alyanak and his sidekick escape—funny scene.
Episode 21:
–1:07:13 Mert had the blood sample on a napkin that was slid under his door matched with his and it’s a match. He gets the confirming call while with Melek. “I have a family!”—he dances around in a sweet celebration with her. Sweet.
-1:27:30 Mert and Sarp get trapped in a meat locker and must work together.
-2:02:43 Coskum calls Sarp, “Umut is alive.”–very emotional!
Episode 22:
-Mert pulls gun on Celal, then starts crying, “You’ve fathered me for the last 20 years, and I can’t kill you even if it is to find out about my real family.” -Touching. Under his breath Celal says, “When I’m finished with Sarp and his family they will all burn in that house.”
-24:40 Police chief reveals to Goskum that he is his father. Emotional.
–1:04:52; 1:07:03 Sarp and Melek meet on rooftop. “It’s not too late for you to get out, Sarp.”
-1:52:41 Melek to Mert: “You can’t have both Celal and Eylem. You know who will end up getting hurt.”
Episode 23:
-1:12:17 Sarp visits Melek at her new office. Kiss and sweet scene.
Episode 24:
-Mert has knock-down fight with his fellow cop for car keys, then drives off. He leads police to place where Celal was doing a deal with Handan. “I told you I knew where Celal was!”
Episode 26:
-Sarp sits down and starts talking to Celal about Umut. At the same time, Mert is getting the
footage. Just as Sarp is about to directly confront Celal, they get call that footage of real killers was found and Sarp and Celal will both be freed. Suspenseful!!
-1:12:48 Yusuf tells Fusun Sarp is an undercover cop.
Episode 27:
-57:55 Mert gets caught too, but then saves Sarp. Great fight scenes!
Episode 28:
-1:25:20 Celal says goodbye to Mert. “Take care of your sister and Mustafa for me.”
-1:30:19 Sarp has wonderful ‘reunion’ with his mom. So sweet and moving!
Episode 29:
-20:08 Sarp sits at a picnic table with Melek and reminisces about Umut. Sweet moment.
-18:48; 36:40 Mert takes Eylem to his childhood dumpy ‘home’ and after hemming and hawing around, tells her he loves her. (Very touching! Sort of a parallel to the Sarp/Melek moment earlier)
-Melek wakes Sarp up at his garage room. They have a sweet moment. She makes him breakfast.
-Mekek find Coskun—holds him at gunpoint. Coskun: “You know Umut as…Mert.”
Episode 30:
-1:00:16 Sarp vows to rescue her. Love the passion shown by both actors!
[Watch the scene here.]
-1:26:24 Sarp and his mom go back to childhood home where Umut was kidnapped and have a sweet moment remembering/lamenting Umut.
-Melek escapes—meets Sarp and Mert in park. She’s shot by Davut and Kudret’s man.
Episode 31:
-Melek dies. Incredibly emotional scene. Responses by Sarp, Mert, AND Celal SO touching.
-42:46 Sarp breaks down again in a private meeting with Yusuf. (so sad!)
-50:00; 56:00 Mert grieves again with Celal, and then with Melek.
-1:21:31; 1:26:23 Sarp breaks down when he tells his mom about Melek. (Wonder how Cagatay felt about having to be so emotional in so many scenes right in a row?)
-1:32:45 Mert gets ‘caught’ and Yusuf rails on him. Eylem looks on. Mert’s an outcast again, and all alone. So sad!
-1:42:09 Sarp has flashback of some memorable moments between him and Melek.
-I1:44:38 Weeping, Eylem tells Fusan Mert is a traitor. In his apt, Mert goes on a rampage—breaks a bunch of stuff, but not the music box carousel. Mert comes to Eylem’s door. She rejects him, then Fusun says, “I loved you like a son.” Ah! Knife in heart!
*FANTASTIC episode. Very emotional.
Episode 32:
-1:38:05 Mert waits in the street for Eylem, then tries in vain to plead his case: “Celal was like a father to me. … I love you” Sad, Touching.
**Worst episode thus far. Could skip through most of it and not miss anything. Just watch the Mert/Elyem and Sarp/Melek-related moments.
Episode 33:
-48:50 Eylem comes to kebab restaurant to ‘see with her own eyes Mert with Celal.’ Sad.
-1:34:33 Celal calls Sarp—Sarp goes off on him—vents what’s he’s been thinking for months. Then Yusuf goes off on him! Kinda funny : )
-AMAZING rooftop fight Sarp/Mert
Episode 34:
AMAZING rooftop fight Sarp/Mert–ending not included in previous episode.
-1:38:40 Sarp faces off to Celal at gunpoint. “Celal, you think you are powerful. What will you do with all that power? Even your own daughter hated you.” Excellent performance by Cagatay.
Episode 35:
-[Big jump ahead in timeline] Rooftop unveiling of brothers. Beautiful cinematography with the camera overhead, the brothers in the same location they nearly killed each other in just a few days ago, ‘facing off’ as if a little hesitant about trusting the other, but then they ‘unveil’ themselves—Mert takes his hood off, Sarp his glasses and hat. It’s like they are revealing who they really are—brothers.
Episode 36:
-Opens with rooftop unveiling of the brothers.
-39:20 Sarp and Mert reunion. Great acting by both. Loved the moment it dawned on Sarp that Mert just might be Umut. It was as if you could see the idea forming in his mind. We’ve been vested in the show for 35 episodes, and we weren’t shortchanged with the climax. Plenty of screen time to share in the brothers’ unfolding emotion.
–1:00:47 Mert has a sweet ‘ah-ha’ moment: “There are people who love me!”
-1:09:36 Mert to Sarp: “This is the first time I will tell this to someone. Take me to my mother, please.” Ugh! So heart-wrenching!
-1:18:09 At the place where Mert & Melek grew up: Mert calls Eylem: “I love you.” Sarp to Mert: “I loved Melek.”
Episode 37:
-1:47:30 Mert reunion with his mom. BEAUTIFUL! SOO well done! Mert’s expressions were fantastic!
Episode 38:
-Reunion repeat extended…but Celal looks on…. and calls his posse.
-49:10 Mert goes into Melek’s room, sees her photo and tears up. Has flashback to memories of her. Poignant.
Episode 39:
-53:20; 1:02:08; Mert and Sarp have a ‘brotherly’ moment one last time at Celal’s restaurant and another in their kitchen as the others have breakfast outside.
-1:12:24 Mert buying new suit—Sarp coerces Mert to practice his proposal to Eylem. Funny!
–Reminiscent of their first time together, Mert takes Eylem to amusement park, then proposes. Celal calls Mert. “If you want her to live, come with me.” Great performance by Aras.
-1:40:00 Sarp faces off with Davut. Davut: “I’m going to Melek!” Shoots himself. Great acting response by Sarp.
-Ends with family visiting Mert in jail—outdoor picnic. Everyone happy.
Permission for sharing sections obtained from Ginger Monette. For the full Episode guide go here.